Saturday, February 28, 2015

Open Blog - Weekend

Goodbye February, hello March!


  1. I hope this means you guys are all sleeping in too! The sun is shining, I have a very small to do list, looks to be a great day ahead!

  2. Nope, I was up early. I've been so tired at night, I'm actually going to bed at what others deem to be a normal time. Then.... I'm up at odd times. You can't win.

    Expected company this weekend and they aren't going to make it. I have the next two days to myself. What shall I do??? Probably fritter and waste the hours in an oft-hand way. (PF)

  3. KK, I have the same problem. Up all the time during the night. Very frustrating. As for company, I consider people saying they are coming to visit, and don't a PLUS. I should qualify that by saying, UNLESS It included your wonderful Grandchild, and you didn't prepare a wonderful dinner for all to enjoy, or even one of your magnificent cakes? I know what you can do. Build a boat In your basement like Leroy Jethro Gibbs, from NCIS.

  4. I woke at 5, and 7 and got up after 8:30. Off to a slow start, caught up online, put away dishes from yesterday, made a simple breakfast for the hubby and dyed miss froggy's hair. Next stop - lunch, then Target, and home to be a potato and keep catching up on a overloaded DVR from when we were gone. I met my productivity quota already.

  5. I've had an upset. Came home last night and saw a puddle of water near the fridge. Thought it was me since it was snowing. A little while later I noticed another one. Hubby came and opened the freezer and what did he find, all our ice cream cups melted. And of course the realization that the fridge was broke.
    Thank goodness for the cold as everything that survived is outside and the rest is in the little fridge in the garage. We now have a new one that is sitting in the truck in the front yard. Waiting on a friend to help unload it. Hopefully he will get here soon before the sleet starts. So far it's just snow.
    I must say with this snowy weather, I was surprised by the number of people shopping for appliances. Apparently others were in the same boat.
    It's been an expensive week as I paid the house insurance Thursday. Our retirement fund just got a lot smaller. Sob....

  6. Gezzzz now they're naming winter snow storms.

    Sparta and Thor....

  7. OKIE, Mother Nature provides great refrigeration up here. Sorry your fridge broke. This apartment has the noisiest refrigerator I've ever had. One night it started up and a friend asked me if the cat was puking.

    Goodbye February. You and December and January nearly killed me.

  8. A strange weekend of sorts.... Tender Heart and I rescued a Red Throated Loon in Port Washington today
