Friday, March 20, 2015

Once upon a time, . . .


  1. We've taken away a parent's ability to be in charge and raise their children. While I could never condone beating a child, a good swat across the bottom, when used in moderation, quickly gets the message across when nothing else does.

  2. I never was spanked. Nope, never, nor was my mother.
    I believe in discipline and perhaps an occasional swat, but NEVER "ass beating." Physical punishment can easily get out of control.

    Started early on, time outs, etc. will work. Making a child fear you doesn't guarantee the result you are looking for.

  3. I don't remember that many bad spankings but I do remember there are always consequences to my actions. Still learning that one.
    Kids today don't have that fear/respect of anyone. If we got in trouble at school, it would be twice as bad at home. I don't see that anymore.

  4. BEATINGS, NO, but spanking's are fine. I'm a perfect living example. My mom was the spanker of the house, and pretty darn good at It. Wally Stennovich was the spanker at Mitchell, and he was REALLY good at It. ONCE was all It took. I tell screaming little kids to shut up at Walmart all the time. Can't stand It.

  5. If the only way you can get a message across is beting someone you really need to work on your communication skills.

  6. My mom was the spanker. She'd hold me up so high with one hand that I could barely touch the floor, and then she'd swat me with one of dad's belts. The anticipation was worse than the pain. I'd start crying well before she spanked me.

    Anyway, I learned right from wrong. Maybe we should spank our politicians.

  7. BEATING Is the ONLY adverse part of this post. Anyone against spankings for their children are a problem. The loss of parental discipline has resulted In a GREAT portion of this country's problems. Just sayin. BTW, many parents today cannot differentiate between BEATING and spanking, they feel they are one and the same. Speaking LOUDLY at me, and hollering at me have the same problem. Put simply, kids today don't understand MUCH.

  8. The other big thing was, "Wait till your father gets home."

  9. Hale, you a different totally agree.

  10. who was it the baby doctor? Doctor Spock????

    what ever his name is, he should of had is ass kick for writing that book, I can't remember the name of

    Spare the rod and spoil the child...something like that
