Friday, March 27, 2015

Open Blog - Friday

Keep up the good work , Mary Fucking Sunshine.


  1. Hmmm. It's FRIDAY!!!!!! Another cool day and then temps warm into the 70's. Life is good!

  2. Mary Fucking Sunshine. Now that's funny. I think I've heard that somewhere.

  3. Yep, that's me.... Mary F'ing Sunshine.

  4. Someone stole my newspaper from my doorstep. All sorts of poop people are moving in. They're using motorcycles in the basement parking area to do donuts and figure 8s. I'm 2 floors up and I can hear it. Trash is being left in hallways. Cigarette butts litter outside doorways. Blah, blah, blah. The manager keeps posting more and more warnings and advisories, as if that will stop them.

  5. Hey Orb's, VERY think wire will stop them. LOL. What was that horrible movie with Al Pacino I think? Maybe It was a sword, not a wire?

  6. Orbs, you have a cordless drill?

    Put a 3/16 bit in it and drill through the side of the cylinder head...problem solved
