Monday, April 6, 2015

Open Blog - Monday

Regift Mondays.


  1. long day ahead, but it's finally warming up and looking convincing that winter may actually be over!

  2. I hope everyone enjoyed their Easter. Drew and I went up north to spend Easter with our families. Have a good day.

  3. Everyone have a great day. Finishing taxes today. Yuck.

  4. Went to church yesterday, then the family got together and we had the traditional Easter ham dinner. Ate WAY too much.

    Walked around a bit, then took a short nap, then , went to see Fast and Furious 7. We splurged and went to the Ultra Screen. Leather recliner seats, plenty of room to walk between the aisles. Ate a bushel of popcorn and a half gallon of soda.

    I liked the movie, it was good. Lots of action and cars.

    I feel like I have a hangover.

  5. Monday again. Have a good one Irregulars.

  6. Love this cartoon!

    Yesterday went extremely well. All the food turned out great. Family was here, it was a very good day, indeed. Learned some great news...

    I understand the food hangover, Dodgeboy. I think I over did it, too.

  7. The HoChunk Casino was a disappointment for the Buffet. I told the Indian (Really) cutting the round of beef, I forgot to bring my Pit Bulls with me to pre-chew the beef. He asked me If It was "tough" "YUP, and than some" At $18.00 a head the beef, and some of the other entree's should have been better. The Dessert Is alway's to die for though. They don't make It, but they have All the different pies, and cakes you can think of, plus CHEESECAKE. OH I love Cheesecake with Raspberries from the Ice Cream bar all over It. It's really not that pricey, but I do love my BEEF. I was lucky. I only had to pay for 15. My Son-In-Law was supposedly delivering a baby. Probably a lie, but I don't really care for him either. I really enjoyed seeing two of my Granddaughters eat, because they really only get real food on the 3 BIG holiday's when Grandpa's around. She would have to call me to find out how to cook water. My oldest daughter cooks every night for 9. I sure glad she payed attention to daddy.

  8. Back from my long weekend in Vegas. Did the SkyJump off the Stratosphere. Had been wanting to do that for a while. Very smooth. On a future trip, I hope to do that jump at night (did it during the day this time). Also got to see the light show at Freemont nerds like that short of thing!

  9. Hale - that light show is fabulous.

    On another note, I have to say that sitting here on my lunch break looking at the leaves on the trees and the grass turning green is a real picker upper. At least here in the south, spring has sprung and it is beautiful.

  10. Happy Day After Easter! We don't have the temps that the south has, but at least the snow has melted.
