Monday, April 20, 2015

Open Blog - Monday

It's a new week, Irregulars.


  1. this weekend was a super productive one, I harnessed the energy of the steroids and ran with it and wow... wore myself out completely! Talk about a spring cleaning bender, I'm on a roll, and can hopefully finish a few more things before the added energy wears off!

  2. It's a new day, wonder what it will bring?

  3. The weekend brought us cloudy weather but not a drop of rain or rumble of thunder. Oh well.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  4. While South of us and East of us received rain, we didn't. My flowers need some! Maybe today, or so "they" say.

  5. Just peeked at the weather map. Looks like it is *snowing* in northern WI. It is Monday, but things could be worse.

  6. It's a gray day. Wish it was sunshine and butterflies like in the blog image.
