Thursday, April 16, 2015

Open Blog - Thursday

Have a good day.


  1. steroids = breathing better, but hardly sleeping. what a toss up, hey?

  2. Morning. Very warm here....I have a new ac unit and it is fighting to keep the temp at 76 in the house. Setting it lower does no good. Wonder what that's about. Guess the ac people will tell me!

  3. For the first morning in days, the sun is shining and it is lovely.

    Have a good one Irregulars. Trash day here today too.

  4. I'm accompanying a friend who is going to have an endoscopy this afternoon. It's in Milwaukee. GI Associates. They're everywhere. My stomach doctor belongs to GI Associates, too, but I can see him in Racine or Kenosha if I want to.

  5. Good news for my buddy: all clear. They stretched the opening to his stomach and told him to take his Omeprazole (antacid) daily.

    I got lab results today, too. The doctor's office called to inform me that my kidney function was lower. I see the kidney doctor next week.

    Getting old is a bitch.
