Thursday, April 23, 2015

Open Blog - Thursday

Good attitude = good day.


  1. My day is off to a good start. I had dreams last night... oh my!

  2. One day closer to Friday. Have a good one Irregulars.

    Also, I am curious about those dreams KK.

  3. KK, "I like dreaming" Great Song, but beside that fact, I do love dreaming. It's really difficult for me to get up, when I'm dreaming. Somehow I can get them to re-start If I wake for a moment. They fascinate me. Did you know that you will never dream of someone you have never seen, interesting? I was roller skating In a Mall this morning with some wonderful woman, that I didn't know, or recognize, so I don't quite understand the previous statement? I also don't roller skate? I just plain love dreams, so I understand your pleasure of having them.

  4. I can sometimes get them to recur as well, Toad. Had to make myself get up. Would have liked to finish that dream this morning. {cough}

  5. it's still today...have a good finish

  6. I'm hoping that life is a dream.
