Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Open Blog - Tuesday

Have a good one.


  1. so pretty! After being over productive this weekend and waking up aching yesterday, I was a bum. My sister and I went to Olive Garden for lunch and it was wonderful - rainy day was perfect for soup and it hit the spot. I did nothing other than work and do lunch with her. I could get used to that, if only I had a self cleaning house

  2. Another crappy day down the tubes, sure hope the rain stops just for a week at the most, then it can give it hell for a week. A nice slow easy rain for 24/7.

  3. Morning all. I'm still waiting for a small rain shower to water my plants.

  4. We'll take the rain. I did something stupid last night and I paid for it this morning. And I'm not going to tell you what it was.

  5. I do stupid stuff all the time. Kinda my trademark.

    Good day, Irregulars.

  6. Wow, Okie... peaking my imagination.

    Today was super busy. Just barely squeaking in at the end of the day. Think I heard sleet hitting my window about 20 minutes ago. Brrrr.
