Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Open Blog - Wednesday

Don't monkey around with the IRS.


  1. The JTIrregular tax preparer, Anita Mooney.

  2. Don't want to mess with that one.

  3. I mailed mine today. I don't get refunds. I've been paying ever since I moved to "The town without Pity" and no "It isn't very pretty" The entire Main Drag (Downtown) Is going to be torn up from building edge to building edge, for months. They alway's do things, once, than dig It up, in spots, and do It over. How does one survive, without business for four months?

  4. My dad and I used to play a game. When a street was torn up and then repaved, we'd try to guess how soon before they have to dig into it again.

  5. When they completely rebuilt Main St. in Racine in the late 90's, somehow they managed to not hook up a lateral sewer line for one house. The owner of the home was having the line Roto-Rootered out, I think, when they discovered his lateral went to nowhere. That was the first hole in the new Main St.
