Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Open Blog - Wednesday

Hug a tree today.


  1. If I hugged our front tree, the neighbors would be sure I was crazy! Ms Froggy already thinks I've turned into a crazy bird lady, I have 2 double hanging hooks outside my office window, just love watching the birds, simple happiness

  2. LM- Ms Froggy would thing we are crazy too because we have one big bird feeder, one finch feeder and a thistle sock hanging on our patio. I just love to see what birds we get. I will also have a hummingbird feeder going out in a couple of weeks.

  3. I have my work window open and there is a feeder in the courtyard. I love to hear the birds chirping. Takes away from the F-bombs that traverse the hallways.

  4. It is my day off and I awoke to heavy rain and thunder. It seriously doesn't get much better than that.

    My mother-in-law has hummingbirds but I haven't seen any yet. There truly is beauty in hearing the birds. I love it. Very tranquil.

  5. Up for a doctor's appointment. It's cold out there.

  6. Mauston, Has received "TREE CITY" designation (SOMEHOW) They have cut dow dozens of grown trees, and are about to cut down ALL of the trees downtown (for the new street) and I don't recall them planting ANY. I want to know HOW you become a tree city?

  7. I think we're a Tree City, too. Won't matter once the Emerald Ash Borer sweeps through. 1/3 of the city will be denuded of trees. I still remember the elms of my childhood neighborhood. They were beautiful, making a canopy over the street. Then came Dutch Elm Disease...

  8. Migration going just about full stream here.

    The hummingbirds and the orioles won't be here for a couple of weeks yet. So far, the hummingbirds are in southern Illinois. Ruby Throated Hummingbird eBird Map

    What I've seeing are the arrivals of Caspian Terns, Boneparte's Gulls, Ruby Crowned Kinglets, Hermit Thrushes Great Blue Herons,and many swallow species.

    I'm waiting on the shorebird migration, which is starting to trickle in...
