Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Open Blog - Wednesday

Too much information.


  1. I'm stuck in a funk again... but came up with an idea to try to get out of it. I started thinking about the simple/crazy things that make me happy or just smile, and pulled out the camera and shot a few. I'll share as soon as ms froggy can download them on my computer (not sure why it's such a production, but she has to go thru her laptop to get them onto a drive to get them on here... just glad she can, I guess

  2. The elusive sun is back out, hopefully for the whole day. Had over 2 inches of rain which is always good.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  3. We had rain most of yesterday. It cleared up long enough for Biggy D to get in the pool for his walking exercises. I Sat outside and watched him. However, about midnight our poor pup began to whine and the boomers began. For some reason, she has become afraid of thunderstorms. Neither of us is, but I think one of my sitters must have been.

    Sun is out for the moment.

  4. Yup, We definitely know way too much. If I could, I would go back to the 50s when I didn't know shit from fat meat.
