Saturday, May 16, 2015

"Exclusive: Fake website targets registration fees for The Color Run Racine"

Posted: May 14, 2015 9:53 PM CST
Updated: May 14, 2015 9:53 PM CST  
By Marshanna Hester Connect

CBS 58

"Racine - Scammers are trying to turn the "happiest 5K on the planet" into a nightmare.

"CBS 58 uncovered a fake registration website for The Color Run Racine. We showed it to organizers and they had no idea of the threat.

"'It frustrated me for the good, honest people who think they're signing up for these races and they're being duped,' said race director Kari Dawson.

"They're being duped by a bright, colorful website bearing the name Color 5 Mile. It lists Racine as one of dozens of locations to register.

"'They're trying to scam people all across, from one end of the country to the other,' said Thomas Friedel, Racine City Administrator

"Aside from the date, one red flag is the event's starting place. It lists 730 Washington Avenue, which is Racine City Hall. The location is not the most ideal place to start a race, considering it's near a busy roundabout. The Color Run Racine really starts at Pershing Park.

"Racine leaders can't take any legal action because the fake site didn't use the city's logo. They did advise organizers to initiate a cease and desist order. Dawson said the scheme reflects badly on the community.

"You have someone who see's this and says, 'wow, this sound like fun. I'm going to sign up. I'm going to spend money for my family to do this,' and they're being tricked," she said.

"The correct website is The Color Run, three key words to ensure your hard earned $55 puts you alongside thousands, who will cross the finish line splattered in pink, purple and yellow paint.

"'People just need to be careful,' Friedel said. 'People need to look out for what they're clicking onto and where they're going and make sure you're dealing with the people you think you're dealing with.'

"It's also important to do your research. The Color Run Racine is Saturday, May 23rd and there's still time to register individually or as a team."


  1. Fake web sites is REALLY becoming a big thing for fund raisers.

    It would be great to catch some of these people and snip their testacies off. I have some other crazy thought for woman which i won't mention. But is would come to a massive loss of blood. Okay so I'm mean, it come with age.

    I swear the older i get my tolerance level is going WAY down.

  2. SER, I think a lot of it does come with aging. I feel the same way.
