Friday, May 8, 2015

Open Blog - Friday

Enjoy yourself.


  1. good morning, sounds like a soggy day ahead

  2. here comes the sun and the rain

  3. Hot and humid for the weekend.

    Audiogram today. More discussion on a surgical procedure that may help me. Bluetooth I really want to carry a mini mic around and plop it on the table when we go out to eat?

  4. Another cloudy start which is good because it will lesson the storms. Round 2 or 3 today (I've lost count). Then more tomorrow and Sunday. Hopefully we will get more rain but not like the south side did the other day.

    It's FRIDAY!!!! Have a good one Irregulars.

  5. The temp here is 69 already and humid. I am going to enjoy this warm weather today because then it is going to drop again for the weekend.

    When I pick up Drew from work later I am going to get spoiled with him home for another week.

    I also found out from an orthopedic specialist I am going to have to get a left knee replacement after I lose some weight. I asked him how I am suppose to lose the weight if I can't walk. He gave me a really goofy look for the question. So that means I have to start eating better and try to do some workouts at home.

  6. Oh, goody, I get to go to Tampa for an evaluation for a cochlear hybrid implant.

  7. OKIE, That gives you a chance to stock up on the Liquid goodies to help you cope. I suppose after a tornado, It's good fishing time for the Great Fisherman eh?

  8. The fisherman is getting the boat ready as it is raining hard. I bet we've had 2 inches already. No tornadoes which is a good thing. Lake Hefner should be full by tomorrow.

    It's really strange to see all the closings on the TV screen. You expect it in the winter but not at this time of year. A lot of flooding and hail just south of here. They can keep it.

  9. Happy Friday. Good luck with the weather OKIE. We just got soaked after a warm day.

    THB, that reminds me of my bankruptcy. When I first contacted a lawyer about doing it, he said he would need $1,000 in cash upfront. I told him that if I had $1,000, I wouldn't have to go bankrupt.
