Monday, May 11, 2015

Open Blog - Monday

I miss Calvin and Hobbes.


  1. those are perfect faces for a Monday!
    Yesterday was both nice and hard. While Ms Froggy and her fiance made it really nice, being shut out and shunned by the youngest really hurt. Maybe one day she's come around...

  2. hello all, I'm stuck inside today with a bad back. I'm in the process of moving and we had a yard sale over the weekend, decided I didnt need to wait to get help with moving our table back when it was done and heard something go in my back and now I can barely walk. Sometimes one can really feel old. So I'm taking today and tomorrow off and we will see what happens after that.. got some exercises from the physical therapist.. ush.. anyways I hope all your Mondays are plesant...

  3. Why Not, My Grandson Charlie Is headed to Sweden on Sunday the 17th for the World Power Lifting Meet. He's terrified of the flight. He flies direct to Stockholm, and probably train to some other city. I wish I could go with, but he wouldn't have anyone to fly back with, since I would only go one way. LOL. The city he Is going to Is like Sundall or something like that?

    I'm terribly sorry your back hurts, as only someone that has the problem can understand just how BAD It feels. I once went to ER at St. Luke's In Racine, and was sitting on the edge of the cart, and the Dr. asked me what I wanted HIM to do about It. " I told him "NOT A FUCKING THING" and slid off the cart, and told them " DON'T even try to send me a bill", and walked out, with him hollering at me "I can give you some meds or something" I said fuck you under my breath, and left. That was about 40 years ago, and I will never forget It.

  4. Why Not, chiropractor. Worked wonders for me.

    Calvin and Hobbs were/are my favorites! I miss that strip in the paper more than any other!

  5. Oh how I miss Calvin and Hobbes. The best cartoon out there.

    LM - I'm sure your youngest will come around.

    Why Not I'm sorry about your back. Just take it really easy.

    The sun is shining for two days which is what we need as we are water logged.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  6. Why Not, I was also gong to suggest a chiropractor. Hope you feel better soon. My arthritis moves from hip to hip. I can't take ibuprofen anymore, so I live with it.

    Happy Monday. It was cold and rainy earlier, but now the computer says we're at 68 degrees. Back to the cold

  7. Calvin and Hobbes still appear in some newspapers as reruns.
