Thursday, May 14, 2015

Open Blog - Thursday

Now I want ice cream.


  1. Morning, all. Have a great day!

  2. I'm so excited. I have an appointment to be evaluated for a hybrid cochlear implant! There's a chance I will be able to have some hearing restored in my right ear. That would be great!

  3. Beejay - that would be wonderful. Good luck to you.

    Looks like you guys are going to get the rain we had yesterday. It's a soaker as we had over an inch.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  4. We had three inches on Tuesday late afternoon. That's what fried my wine refrigerator . Tomorrow I'm buying a new one. You know, the necessities of life!

  5. Oops, thanks, OKIE. I'm hoping this works.

  6. We've had great weather here today.. my back is feeling much better after a couple of days of long walks and resting with a heating pad.

    I'm hoping for good weather in Racine this summer.. we got a wedding to attend (thats outside) and I try to get my fill of hot, humid, sticky summers while there.. it's not often you get them here.. you kinda miss them.

  7. No ice cream here, however, despite resisting, I just ate another donut. It must be donut season in the schools, they're everywhere. Grrrr. No self-control.

    Hard to believe I'd ever miss hot and humid, Why Not.

    How exciting, Beejay! How invasive would the surgery be? I'm probably referencing and envisioning generation 1 technology.

  8. Beejay- We hope you will be able to get it and good luck.

  9. Good luck, Beejay.

    Mmm, donuts...

  10. General anesthesia and a small incision behind the ear a device is implanted under the scalp with wires running into the middle ear. Should not be visible to others.
