Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Open Blog - Tuesday

Don't drink too much tequila.


  1. my boss was told by somebody that they don't even celebrate it in Mexico, that it's an American holiday. Their "day" is sometime in September. I don't even know what it's all about, we just seem to celebrate with all kinds of Mexican food, so I'm in!

  2. Is it too early for a strawberry margarita? ;>

  3. True, Lizard Mom. There is a long article in our paper today citing this. Oh well, I'm making enchiladas, black beans and yellow rice for dinner. Going to make my own pico as well. Since tequila is not my friend and I hate sangria, guess I will have a beer with it.

  4. Yes KK, it is too early for a Margarita. Except it is 2:20 in London so I guess it would be okay. :}

  5. Every day is a celebration on the JTI.
