Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Open Blog - Tuesday

That's because of the three-day weekend. By the time your internal clock adjusts, it'll be Friday again.


  1. certainly doesn't feel like Tuesday, it's going to be a weird week for sure!

  2. The sun woke me up today. It's gone now. Have a great day Irregulars. Glub glub.

  3. Poor OKIE! Don't leave home without your life preserver!

  4. Okie don't feel bad when I took Drew to work the sun was out then when I left to go to the dentist it was cloudy outside. Now it is cloudy and foggy outside. Then this afternoon it is going to storm here.

  5. Poopie weather here today....overcast and raining..

  6. Hot, hot, hot. No rain. We need some. Crazy weather.

  7. After storms hit the east side the sun came out for good. The dog and I had a nice walk. It was a good day. And tonight for our dinner we will be having Ring Bologna, fried potatoes and beans. Ring Bologna is hard to find here. Heartburn city here I come.Sweet.
