Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Open Blog - Wednesday

Everyone does.


  1. this week is flying by. good thing, it's been a rough one. a friend, who recently had a total knee replacement done, will be losing that same leg. also, a guy I used to clean house for, suffered a massive stroke Saturday, passed away early yesterday. next week has to be better!

  2. that's the easies way to remember

  3. Aw, Lizardmom, you have my deepest sympathies. I understand that knee replacements are amongst the most difficult operations. At my old apartment building, there was a guy who had a knee replaced and he did great with it. So great, he replaced his other knee. He told me that they were the best decisions he ever made.

    But more often, I hear or read about difficulties with knee replacements.

    As for the blog, I just avoid spelling the middle day of the week, hump day.

  4. Oh, LM, that's so sad. I met a woman who had to have the entire knee replacement removed for six months. Infection after infection. They then put a new replacement in and it finally worked. Here, in FL, it is one of those very common operations.

    Have a good day, everyone!

  5. Last night I got to sit and listen to thunder and rain and it was glorious. In the past week we've had over 5 inches of rain. Two and a half inches last night but it might have been higher as gauge is in with the strawberries and there was a leaf over it. I'm sure the 1st call hubby made was to his mom to see how the ponds are, and I'm also sure he stopped at the lake to see how much it had come up. Walleye season may not be a bust after all with rain predicted thru Sunday.
    If it rains like it did last night, the drought will be over soon. Life is good.

    Sorry about your week LM.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  6. OKIE, Who did that song "Thunder and Lightening"?

  7. A number of people. I'd have to go to the computer for you tube but I think it was Chi Coltrane.

  8. Watching the news they are showing a monster tornado on the ground in Oklahoma. Okie, worried about you, and hoping you are safe!

  9. It's sad, my friend lost a leg way back from when he was in the service, now to lose the other, and he's my age. He's lived his life quite hard and his body is getting it's revenge now. He knows it's not been helped by how he lived for so long, but he's in fairly good spirits, all things considered.
    I just read the obituary of the guy I used to clean for. My mom, hubby and I are listed in the surviving list. I guess mom and I, along with our family, were pretty much his family, as he was kinda shunned from his sister in laws, he was the last surviving brother. He was a very interesting guy, He reminded me of a cross between Jed Clampit and the absent minded professor, always trying to fix or create something the oddest ways possible. Really good guy, sad to lose him, but he was in so much pain when I saw him Monday, I'm glad he's not suffering any more

  10. LM, I didn't know that your friend only had one leg. Poor guy. I know what you mean about your lifestyle catching up to you. As an avid drunk for 25 years, I didn't give a damn about the future. Now I suffer from a number of maladies that my drinking caused or enabled.
