Monday, June 8, 2015

"100 Year Old Chalkboard Lessons Discovered In Oklahoma High School"

From Break:

By PhilHaney
"One time in high school I remember there was a snippet of a math problem left up in the corner of the chalk board for several months. I always wondered if it would ever be erased.  However I doubt that a teacher at Emerson High School in Oklahoma in the early Twentieth Century knew that their lesson on the chalkboard one day would be viewed by people 98 years later.

"That seems to be the case after construction crews remodeling the high school discovered the old chalkboards in the walls behind current chalkboards in classrooms on the second floor. The fully intact lessons which include music, history, math problems and a calendar counting down the days until Christmas have been dated to 1917. The high school itself was originally built in 1911. Luckily nobody immediately erased the chalkboards.

"A teacher at the school, Sherry Read told ABC News; 'It's been neat just to touch history,' Read said. 'To see this being preserved just makes my heart filled with joy. Knowing that this was behind my wall all this time is pretty fascinating.'

"It is weird that the chalkboards lasted generations, since a lot of times it was the student’s job to wash the board. Franklin and Ethel really screwed up their duties; no Figgy pudding for them, and they won’t be able to listen to the stories on the radio tonight!  The school is looking for a way to preserve the 100 year old chalk board lessons. Hopefully nobody sneezes around them until they do."

Follow Phil Haney on Twitter @PhilHaney

Source:  Yahoo

1 comment:

  1. This was such a neat story. I can't wait to see what they are going to do with it.
