Monday, June 15, 2015

Open Blog - Monday

Coffee's gone but Monday is still here.


  1. I'm heading for the caffeine now...
    Fun fact - Jay Leno played a part on Laverne and Shirley, season 4, episode 21.
    I've made it into season 5 (out of 8)

  2. Coffee, more coffee. These middle of the night wake ups need to stop!

  3. I am up and ready to go. I have a chiropractor appointment this morning and then after Drew gets off work we are meeting a friend of mine she is up in Door County right now but we are getting together on her way back to Illinois for dinner.

    I hope everyone has a great day and stays dry today.

  4. Wet down here too. Lord have Mercy these Mondays do creep up on us don't they.

    Stay safe Irregulars.

  5. Only 14hrs 30min left for Monday

  6. I was sitting at work when I started hearing sirens blaring. Then more sirens. There was a shootout across the street. Cops on both sides of the street which was confusing. Turns out one of the victims ran across the street to the Sonic. No cops involved in any shots being fired.

    Three victims, and four shooters who are in custody. We locked the door when the police helicopter was circling. We weren't sure what was happening at that point.

    Glad it's over and I'm at home.

  7. Jesus Christ, OKIE! Wise to lock the door and then stay away from windows. Society is going to hell everywhere. I'm glad that you're alright.

  8. Just checking in with a few minutes left of the day.

    Okie, SO GLAD that you are okay. Scary stuff. Orbs is right, crazy is happening everywhere. When you hear fireworks going off, you wonder if it is gunfire. I don't go out too much at night anymore, but more and more, the brazen nuts are shooting in broad daylight.

  9. Yes, Orbs that was it. In fact in the background you can see a 7-11 sign and then across the street a building. That is where I work. I can see my bosses black car in the parking lot. I was already gone at that point. Too many damn guns around.
    Summertime and the thugs are out shooting at 4 in the afternoon.

  10. OKIE, you've had too much excitement in your life lately.
