Thursday, June 4, 2015

Open Blog - Thursday

Enjoy your day.


  1. allergies are full blown, I was wondering if cottonwood was flying, but I haven't seen any. I read ragweed pollen is high. the 'dinger' in the back of my throat is swollen, and cottonwood is the only thing that usually causes that, it's going to be a 'fun' season...

  2. Morning.....allergies have been horrendous down here this year. Seems like something's always messing with me.

    Have a great day all.

  3. LM- Yes the cottonwood is flying around I have seen it and it is getting to my daughter and I. I went out to the car this morning and I just had a sneezing attack.

  4. I'm very lucky, I don't have seasonal allergies. Mold can bother me and so can dust. Cleaning them, and disturbing them is worse. Vicious cycle. Leave it or clean it.... neither is good. They were saying warm today. Right now, it looks dark and humid. I guess we wait 10 minutes to see what happens?

  5. No allergies here, just sunny warm weather and I'm loving every minute of it.

    Have a great day Irregulars and I hope everyone gets through this allergy season.

  6. It's 77 degrees. It's supposed to hit 80. Then tomorrow we get a 20 degree drop.
