Thursday, June 18, 2015

Open Blog - Thursday

I hate puns, but that's pretty funny.


  1. zzzzz, oops, I mean, good morning!

  2. A rainy day. I was supposed to work all day as the Agents Golf Game was rescheduled (for the third time) today, but Bill decided to hit us and it is still raining. Works for me as it's easier to hit the grocery store at 1:00 than it is at 5:00.

    Have a good one Irregulars.

  3. Well, on my way out of the garage it was too close and I hit the side mirror. Looks like an easy fix which means it will cost a lot. Crap!
    I think I shall blame my husband as when I got home yesterday the truck was in the driveway with the doors wide open and I had to manuever in. Unfortunately, I didn't pay enough attention this morning.

  4. That's no way to start the day, Okie. You should have just turned around and went back to bed.

    Surprisingly, after chopping bushes yesterday, and my old war wound (carpal tunnel) complaining all night, they feel pretty good today. Whew. There are 4 more bushes out there with my name on them. I think I'll wait. Would be nice to get to them before the skeeters wake up, though.

    Saw a post this morning that ticks are going crazy on the east coast. They said 50% of those found and tested in Vermont carried Lyme disease. I didn't fact-check the data, but that is huge!

  5. My day got better. The part was $48 and putting it on and painting it will be $79 which isn't too bad.

    KK, remember the Off. I need to get that out as well as we've had another 3 inches of rain in the past week.

  6. Good day. I agree, OKIE, blame it on your husband. In fact, I have a few problems that I'd also like to lay at his feet, but it's kind of hard to blame someone a thousand miles away.
