Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Open Blog - Tuesday

Don't try to confuse me, Tuesday.


  1. good morning! we had our work party last night, got home late, couldn't sleep. I'm already looking forward to going back to bed later!

  2. Sleep is missing in my life these days. I've been up since 3:15

  3. I go through stages like that, too, Beejay. It is usually when I'm stressed. The best thing is just to roll with it. Find a book to read or listen to music. Your body will sleep when it is really tired. I think I lived off of 4 hours of sleep for over a year once.

    From Hill Street Blues: "Let's be careful out there."

  4. I've been sleeping between puke attacks, when i can. Got sick Saturday. Better on Sunday, then it attacked again yesterday. I can't keep this shit up. I just woke up a little while ago. I'm shaky, but not puking (yet). I'm finally hungry but must watch what I eat and how much. I get impatient and try to push the recovery by pushing too much stuff down mu throat. Then I get sick again.

    Damn, damn, damn, I thought I was through with this shit. It's been months since I was sick.

  5. Over tired didn't sleep well at all last night...hate when that happens.
