Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Open Blog - Wednesday

Garfield got into some catnip again.


  1. Morning, my friends! Keep smiling!

  2. Not smiling today. Went and got a cheap haircut yesterday and I got what I paid for. I said a trim and she understood "cut it all off". One side is cut to the bottom of my ear, the other goes down to my chin. I think she needs to go back to school.

    On a brighter note, looks like the monsoons will miss us and hit the east side of the state. That's okay because we're good.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  3. OKIE, I pray your exaggerating?

  4. No Toad, I'm not. It will be okay in about a month. :(

  5. Oh, crap, OKIE. On the bright side, hair grows! I've used the same hairdresser for about 12 years. Before that, I flew back to WI! I'm anal about my hair!

    Hope the storms truly miss you!

  6. I cut my own hair, but only because I can do it with electric clippers. I cut it to 1/2 inch all around, and then wait till I look like a lunatic to cut it again.

  7. I found myself always re-cutting my hair after going to the salon. I finally figured out how to do it myself. Haven't been to a salon in decades. Besides, I hate the chit-chat that takes place. I prefer to talk to myself... hahahaha
