Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Open Blog - Wednesday

Prepare for liftoff.


  1. Wednesday, if the week was on a "bell curve" we would be at the peak today

  2. As I was preparing to go to bed really early yesterday, I got a call from a friend from Colorado, who was in town for a very short time, wondering if we could get together. Well,of course!!! 4 hours later, I got home, so tired, but so worth it, as I haven't seen her in 6 years.
    When I got up this morning, I had a note from Ms Froggy about another place they are trying to get - "accepted offer, gave our deposit check tonite, inspection is Friday" woo hoo!!

  3. I am glad you had a good time with your friend LM. I know how that is when you haven't seen a friend in a long time and then you have so much to look forward to talking about.

    Congrats Ms. Froggy on the new house.

  4. My youngest just bought a new house, too. We are raising productive, tax paying citizens. Yea! Congrats, Ms. Froggy! (And, a belated Happy Birthday!)

    I think we should get a tax break for that!

  5. Off to get my nails done and then take my car in to get fixed. A guy came in to work yesterday and told me he could fix it for "$20 bucks" since I already have the parts. No thanks.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  6. Where's our sidear? I can't se it. Can you?

  7. Oh, say can you see??? No sidear or sidebar here, either. Probably just a blogger glitch. Can anyone else see it? Page looks mighty blank over there.

  8. Are you asking me if I'm seeking things?

  9. Blog fixed. It was the blog about the blind dog. Something was too big in that post and pushed the sidebar to the bottom.

    "No alarms and no surprises, please" as Radiohead would say.

    Okie, are you seeking something? Maybe I can help with that, too. ;>

  10. Speaking of sidearms, I began the long process of an evaluation for a hybrid cochlear implant today. Biggie drove us to Tampa General. Oh boy! Big city stuff. Lots of info...I think I'm studying for an exam! In any event, I am so hopeful this will work! I was told there is only one test that may not be covered by insurance. I agreed to have it done regardless.

    Biggie is being a saint about this! Drives us up there, goes to IKEA. Lost in IKEA.

    Good thing is that we have friends in Tampa. Lunches and dinners and new babies to see!

    I am blessed!

  11. Lizard Mom, about 12 years ago, my husband and I returned to FL by driving through Alabama. Stopped in Dothan. The gal who introduced us lived there. I called her house from a gas station. Her husband met us and led us to the church where she worked. Thirty years had passed and it was like yesterday! We talked for hours! Friendships like that are priceless!

  12. I hope Froglover loves the place. Congratulations.

    Thanks for fixing the blog, kk. I can see the sidebar now, but still no sidear.

    Beejay, I hope the implant works for you.

  13. Just got lucky, tinkering. Glad it was an easy fix. Not sure what Okie is seeking. That task might prove to be way more difficult! :o

  14. Sidears! Dang that auto correct.
