Saturday, June 13, 2015

Open Blog - Weekend

Or else!


  1. hopefully it's a good one with the weather

  2. working today, and I can't keep my days straight, thankfully, my schedule next week is back to normal

  3. Ha ha ha ha ha. To the rest of us, lizardmom's normal routine would be far from normal.

  4. The words look carved in stone. I guess we BETTER have a good weekend. Freedom from my normal routine, at last.... my mental to-do list is as long as Liz's real to-do list. Where do I begin?

  5. Rain moving in here. I need to go. Have a great day Irregulars. Ahhhh, Saturday.

  6. Sun is shining for the moment! Finished my to do list for today. Now I'm off to shower and hit the grocery store.

    Biggest job today was putting Sable's treats in the dehydrator. Now she stalks that darn machine until they are done!

  7. Yesterday I took Drew up by Steven's Point to Buena Vista to do some birding. First we went to Bowler to pick up my daughter's step sister then off to birding. We left about 6:30am and we finally got back home about 8pm. One long day and today had to get some grocery shopping in between the rain drops. Tomorrow back to taking Drew to work and going to the chiropractor.

  8. Beejay, it's funny Sable doesn't nibble on your leg like, "Come on woman"...Laugh'in
