Tuesday, June 2, 2015

"Proposed Friedel raise breeds debate"

From The Journal Times.com:

"RACINE — What direction should be given to the Committee of the Whole when it meets to consider the extension of City Administrator Tom Friedel’s contract and a proposed 31 percent raise for the position was the source of debate during Tuesday’s City Council meeting.

"Aldermen debated whether signing off on the Finance and Personnel Committee’s vote to have the request sent to the Committee of the Whole with a recommendation supporting the proposed raise would mean the council itself was actually supporting that recommendation.

"Alderman Sandy Weidner made a proposal to table the finance committee’s recommendation so the Committee of the Whole could meet to discuss the extension of Friedel’s contract without a recommendation on what kind of raise he may or may not deserve.

"Mayor John Dickert and even City Attorney Rob Weber seemed to have different understandings of what tabling the item — a move alderman supported 8-7 — might actually do.

"Dickert requested the body take a five-minute recess, after which City Council President Dennis Wiser made a direct referral to send the item to the Committee of the Whole."

Read more:  http://journaltimes.com/news/local/proposed-friedel-raise-breeds-debate/article_e6abed3b-ecd6-506a-b3d7-9ca18c07dae2.html

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