Monday, June 22, 2015

Wildflowers Pt 2!

Sorry I haven't been posting my wildflowers lately I have been busy with all my doctor appointments. I am going to try to get most of them posted to share with all of you. Here are some more of the wildflowers.

This is a Crested Dwarf Iris the picture was taken at Richard Bong State Recreational Area in Brighton Wi..

  This is a Musk Thistle this picture was taken at Richard Bong State Recreational Area in Brighton Wi..

              This is a Eastern Shooting Star this picture was taken at Colonial Park in Racine Wi..

                  This is a Virginia Spiderwort this picture was taken at Cliffside Park in Racine Wi..

This is a Sulfur Cinqefoil this picture was taken at Richard Bong State Recreational Area in Brighton Wi.

This is a Water Lily this picture was taken at Richard Bong State Recreational Area in Brighton Wi.

I hope everyone enjoys the pictures and there are a lot more to come. Have a nice day!


  1. I love blue, purple and yellow flowers the most, unless it's roses, then deep, bright red!

  2. Thank you for the pictures, THB. I drove by a house the other day with bunches of irises in front.

  3. Eastern shooting star is a beauty. I find myself looking harder at birds and flowers lately. ;>
