Thursday, July 16, 2015

Looking For A Place For Your Loved One: Looking For A Place For Your Loved One

Looking For A Place For Your Loved One: Looking For A Place For Your Loved One: Looking For A Place For Your Loved One        Hi   I sent this article I wrote to the Racine Journal Times.    I don’t work there.  Mo...


  1. Carol Lynn, It wonderful, you were able to find a place that takes care of your " Love One " better than you expected. It Is alway's a very anxious time to send someone to a place you certainly wish you didn't have to, but the time does come, and so many horror stories come from these places, and It's really wonderful to hear of a place BOTH of you are happy with. You both receive special comfort from this.

  2. Thank you so much. Wanted to let Everyone Know There Are Good Places Out There For Loved Ones. Comfort Is The Right Feeling.

  3. I thought I commented on this? Anyway, is a great resource. I used it for my mom in law. A free service.
