Friday, July 17, 2015

Open Blog - Friday

Time to party!


  1. I think I can, I think I can... just have to make it to 10:00 and then a nice 3 day weekend, woo hoo!!

  2. The image looks like Charlie's friends at my birthday party.

  3. We have had the Grandkids here all week and they are going home on Sunday. It has been a really good week with them and sorry I haven't been on here much.

  4. Ahhh, Friday. This week has gone by pretty fast if you exclude Monday. I'm supposed to be on vacation the week after next but my boss just sold his condo and he has to move into an apartment until his house is ready in October. That's the week everything happens but he keeps telling me it's okay. I'm not going anywhere so it's no big deal.

    Enjoy your Friday Irregulars.

  5. Orbs, that was the first thing that came to mind, Charlie's friends. I'm clearing the runway for a little munchkin visitor myself. Have to raid the basement toy room for some new ammo.

  6. Summer is going Fast - Enjoy Your Weekend. Be Safe.
