Monday, July 27, 2015

Open Blog - Monday

Do we get our money back if we can't stand the show?


  1. good morning! after a busy weekend, I'm ready for the routine of the week to return. Time is flying by, sure could use a pause button!

  2. Monday. Oh wait, I'm on vacation. Waiting for the garbage truck to finish up then taking the dog for a walk before the heat.

    I feel we are in a Groundhog Day movie. Every day the temps go to 98 with the heat index being over 100. Haven't broke the 100 temp yet which is unheard of for July. We are liking it.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  3. Just a quick reminder. The JTI get together is still on for Wednesday if you can make it. If you haven't received an email invite and would like to join us, leave a message in this blog.

  4. It's weird living here because I often get cool breezes through my apartment windows, but when I get outside, it's 90 degrees.

  5. i made it...15 minutes to go...Have a happy Monday night
