Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Open Blog - Tuesday

Have a good day. ☺


  1. I'm #1. Now, off with the lights! Have a good day, Irregulars.

  2. coming in 2nd :) now on to caffeine!

  3. Opened the door to let the dog out this morning and was hit by massive heat. Because of all the rain we've had, it's very humid out. Oh well, it is summertime.

    Stay cool Irregulars.

  4. You don't know heat! Had to carry Sable to the grass yesterday in Northern FL so her paws didn't get burned! Better temps here, but the humidity is about 150%, I swear.

  5. Beejay, That's funny. I remember In 1963 the family (really only Mom, Dad, and us Twins) drove to Florida. We stayed In a Kitchenette Motel on the Gulf In Madera Beach. Of course us kids spent the time on the beach, but the SAND, and especially the SIDEWALKS, we sooooooooooo hot, we couldn't walk on them, unless we had a pair of flip flops on. Frankly It was horrible. The water was way too warm, and I don't think TREE'S existed at that time?

    Speaking of carrying dogs. Our Mobe (Retriever) Is getting real old (9), and can't get around as usual, so when she finally gets her BIG butt up to go out, she manages to do It, BUT, she has alway's been afraid of stairs?, and won't come back In anymore. She just sits, or lay's at the bottom of the stairs, and won't come In. WELL, Mobe weighs about as much as Winnie 140 ish. I sure as hell can't pick her up, and can hardly get my arms around her, so I used my belt this morning, put It around her, and tried lifting her butt, and hind legs, and get her going. WELL, my belt BROKE in half. (I liked that belt) so I got behind her, put my foot under her butt, took hold of her fur, and skin, on her butt, and lifted her up enough to get her going, and stumble up the stairs. BTW. I knew this would work, because I did It In my undies the other night, which Is an even longer story. Another BTW, since women are alway's curious, They were TIGHTY BLUES, not WHITES. AQUA, as a matter of fact.

    BTW, BTW, BTW, If I made any spelling errors. TOUGH SHIT.

  6. Toad, I'm giggling. TMI? hahahaha

    One time, it was so cold out, my dog got to the middle of the back yard, began lifting her paws, one at a time and finally tipped over on her back, all 4 in the air. She just gave up. Had to go rescue her.

  7. Nice here after the heat yesterday and Sunday.

  8. Hi everyone, hope your day was good

  9. Toad, thanks for the laugh. Only 88 here today. I can, however, relate to the hot sand and walks. Our driveway is cool. Fete...the road, however, is asphalt....oh my. Today, not so bad, but some days, yikes!

  10. Cool Crete! Damn. Typed it twice and it still defaulted! Grrrrr
