Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Open Blog - Tuesday



  1. hello to you , too!
    Woke with a wicked sore throat and short of breath, hopefully it's just an early morning rough start and not the start of another round of unfun. Will definitely be pumping fluids and rest after work!

  2. Take care of yourself, LM. I hope things ease up.

  3. I think we will have a normal FL day here today. I feel like a mole...been raining since Friday.

    you-all have a good day.

  4. Groundhog day number 9.

    So far it is a nice vacation. Now I am off to walk the dog. It's getting hot out already.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  5. geez Louise... the throat is better, but not even a 1/2 hour after checking in this morning, my arms broke out in hives. I hadn't even touched anything, or eaten anything yet.... that has since settled down some, but the itchiness is insane! breathing is still dicey, I feel like I'm under attack and I don't even know from what... I need to live in a freakin' bubble..... preferably made of bubble wrap, that could be great fun!

  6. Been warm here, too, Okie. Not as warm as you get it, though. I see by our trusty sidebar weather app, that we have a strong line of storms in the western half of the state. If you are heading out, keep aware of where the storms are. Have a good day, Irregulars. Liz, take care of yourself. Yikes.
