Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Open Blog - Wednesday

So which letter is the hump?  E?


  1. E has it, both in long form and in short (Wed)

  2. Dang, the things you learn every day if you listen.

    Lizardmom, I'm hoping that you feel better. It's unfair that you have to put up with this shit during the best time of the year.

    I'll probably see some of "youse guys" later on.

  3. Today is the get together with Why Not. Have a great time and send pictures please.

    Miss you guys, wish I was there.

  4. no hives today, what a freak thing yesterday. The heat, however, has me feeling really sick, as happens, just sucks. Guess it's early to bed under the ceiling fan on high with the air on... I need an air conditioned hamster ball so I can be out and attempting to have a life... so sorry I'm going to miss our dear friend, Why Not, definitely get pictures!!! Somebody give her a big hug for me!
