Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Open Blog - Wednesday

No job on Thursday.


  1. Morning, friends. Off to a flea market in Pickens, SC. They have a bluegrass band there made up of real country folks with spoons, and various stringed instruments. It is quite the deal!

  2. Beejay is a'pickin and a'grinning. Have fun you two!

    Yesterday, I went out bargain shopping. Found a bunch of tomato plants and peppers at a great price. (Where were these beauties a month ago?) Got them in the ground. It is rather late, but if they all produce... I'll have to set up a roadside stand. I love to get my hands in the dirt, and to watch things grow. My pink roses had their show and the whites and reds have followed. It is almost over. If I'm lucky, the pinks will have time to regenerate for a smaller, shorter, fall hurrah along with the mums. Time is just whizzing by.

  3. I have a dog sitting next to me. Now I get to figure out what he wants. Okay.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  4. kk, we had so much fun! Found some crucifixes, a tobacco canister, an old whirligig, cast iron griddle, two early rosaries, an awl, and on it goes! Of course, we ran into someone we knew!
