Friday, August 7, 2015

Open Blog - Friday



  1. much to do, then off tomorrow, and I can't wait to sleep in!!!

  2. I went to see my shrink in Kenosha on Wednesday. My truck was running on fumes. After the session, I stopped at a huge gas station on Sheridan and 52nd St (I think). As I got out of my truck, I immediately noticed two things:

    The first was a space on the pump for you to place your hand to ground out any electrostatic charges. The second was this: There is a TV network just for people pumping gas. I betcha this catches on. And on. And on.

  3. LM- Enjoy your day off tomorrow and get some needed sleep.

    Daddy Orbs- That is the new thing coming out with the TV on the pumps.

    I just found out yesterday I have to be at the hospital at 8:45 Monday morning for my knee surgery. This week Drew and I have been getting the house in order and I have been doing the grocery shopping so Drew and my daughter do not starve while I am in the hospital. I should be home on Wednesday.

  4. Speaking of gas, we were down to $1.99 for two days and back up to $2.05. No complaints here.

    THB - good luck on the surgery.

    We finally broke the official 100 mark yesterday. It is pretty toasty outside.

    It's FRIDAY!!! Have a great one Irregulars.

  5. Friday doesn't look like that until it is quitting time. Fridays are usually one of my busiest work days.

    I watched some of the debate last night. (yes, I should have my head examined.) I read a comment online that summed it up: plenty of platitudes and no specific details.

    Good luck, THB. I know you've worked hard and put up with a lot to get to this point.

  6. It's still Friday.

    Jan, there are a few of those stations around with static discharge plates and a lot of them have advertisements going on while the gas is pumping.

    I been at the place you're speaking of and watch TV, kinda weird at first.

  7. Good luck, THB! May everything go smoothly.
