Monday, August 31, 2015

Open Blog - Monday

I survived by giving him a lot of bubble gum, so his jaws got stuck.


  1. I would love to see that dino with some gum! run kid, run!

  2. Morning all. Glub, glub. Lots of rain coming.

  3. Yesterday when the dog and I went to water the back yard, he immediately jumped up to the fence ledge and was barking for the neighbors dogs. Meanwhile, a white cat runs out of the bushes to the other side of the yard and escaped.

    This morning the cat was out there just hanging out under the bird feeder. He'd better not get any of my birds. While going out to feed this morning, he was gone. I'll have to keep an eye out for him.

    Have a great day Irregulars. You can tell the season is getting ready to change as it is positively beautiful out there now, but 95 later.

  4. Drew, there is a hawk building a nest I our oak tree. I will try to get pictures for you.

  5. Uh-oh. I missed the midnight mark.
