Thursday, August 20, 2015

Open Blog - Thursday

"Thanks for the memories."


  1. long day today and tomorrow, then life speeds up as the wedding approaches. Can we slow down just a bit?

  2. I will be thankful if I can sleep. The night voices in my head won't shut up. Nothing dangerous. Just inappropriate wakefullness. Grrrr. The windows are open and the breeze is cool. Ahhh.

  3. Please please please let me get my car back today. I miss it. A very cool morning (57) followed by 81 later. I like it.

  4. Been doing all sorts of purging of 'stuff.' I open cabinets and wonder where this 'stuff' came from? so much useless crap is stuffed here and there. Hard to believe we moved here a mere 17 plus years ago! It looks like fifty or better with the junk I have accumulated over the years. Well, off to the laundryroom to cleanse some cabinets!

  5. Happy Thursday.

    Beejay, I know what you mean. Junk grows while we sleep.

  6. little cool out there today but nice
