Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Open Blog - Tuesday

So much for the caffeine...


  1. That actress has played some very funny roles. I don't think alcohol will help the Tuesday blues, but one beverage might ease the pain a bit after the workday is over.

  2. Wine, wine, wine. All you do is wine.

  3. the closer the wedding comes, the crazier life becomes. It reminds me of life before our wedding, endless calls like "oh, did you do..." "what about..." in a way I'm glad I'm getting the calls for her, as it keeps that building stress off of her, but it's a wee bit draining. The wedding is going to be in my moms yard, so she's daily stressing needlessly. Come on Sept 18th, I need my little bit of sanity back!

  4. How exciting LM. You'll make it, that's for sure.

    I'm not sure I like these cool mornings as they are a reminder of what is to come. Also quite unusual for down here. That being said, we are back in the low 90's again. I guess Orbs was right, wine wine.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  5. Sweet! I just noticed gas prices have dipped to $1.96.


  7. LM- You will be alright just stay positive. I have faith that everything is going to be the way it suppose to.

    Went for my two week check up for my surgery with the doctor. Everything is going good and I am going to get a cane and get rid of the walker and the crutch. The staples came out today and it is healing really good. I just have to keep going to physical therapy and doing my home exercises. Sunday I went to Aldi's with Drew and I walk the whole store using the shopping cart. I am in some pain that I can tolerate but I am doing everything I am suppose to do so I can go for my walks and get better. This Sunday my daughter is going back to Whitewater University and I get my house back.

    I hope everyone is having a real good day I am.

  8. that's awesome, THB! I had to keep reminding myself it's Tuesday, it felt like Wednesday, ALL day, even my boss thought it was Wednesday, so it wasn't just me!

  9. Hi all! So glad to hear the good recovery news, THB. Okie, our gas prices are higher... for yet another refinery issue. We seem to get tagged all the time. My car sips gas, so I can't complain too much.

  10. The "larger" metropolitan areas are targeted for higher gas prices. It's all million dollar games. When I lived in Chicago, they had a city and a county tax on gas, as well as the state tax. Is gas taxed federally? Just think of those Saudi princes and their outlandish palaces the next time you pump gas. Hell, when I was a kid, they pimped the gas for you, cleaned the windows and checked the oil. The tires, too, I think, if you asked them.

    THB, that's great news. Do what the therapists tell you to do.

    Lizardmom: one day at a time. The wedding will go well and will be beautiful. Sometimes, one minute at a time.
