Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Open Blog - Wednesday

That camel reminds me of the cigarette brand.


  1. I think I can, I think I can... make it to Saturday, when I can sleep in!

  2. Well Irregulars, I had the Good, Bad and Ugly yesterday.

    Good - New baby.

    Bad - Something got spilled on my car and its eating the paint. Now I have to file a claim and get my car painted.

    Ugly - I found out my 81 year old neighbor fell Monday and broke her hip and is now hospitalized. Her son of a bitch son called animal control yesterday and got rid of her dogs. She loves those dogs - one of them being a dachshund named GiGi.

    Let's hope I don't run into him because I will let him have it. How could he do that?

    Okay, now I am going to calm down, take the dog for a walk and wait for a 6 and 9 year old to get here. It will be a good day.

  3. That's a shame about the hip and the dogs.

  4. Seems like I beat the sheriff to the posting! :) HA HA
    Happy Thursday!
