Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Open Blog - Wednesday

Is that Puff the Magic Dragon?


  1. If that's Puff.. he looks a little buzzed

  2. Yesterday, I went on a muffin baking bender to restock the freezer (easiest breakfast food for me with my hours). I was able to reconnect with a friend I haven't seen or heard from in over 30 years, man , I missed her! We had a great visit in between flipping muffins, good day!

  3. 93 yesterday, 68 today, 50's by tomorrow morning. Dare I say brrr? Back in the 80's tomorrow so everything is good.

    Have a good one Irregulars.

  4. Does anyone hear me moaning and lamenting? ;> I'm trying to get things organized for Monday and a back to work mentality. Sleep.... I've loved you.
