Saturday, August 8, 2015

Open Blog - Weekend

Have fun!


  1. Hello from Sweden! Our feet touched down yesterday morning, I made it till 3:30pm before I could not keep my eyes open anymore and laid down for an 1½ hour nap, woke up and went to bed by 9pm (our time here of course) woke up at 2:30 am read until 4 fell asleep again and woke up at 5:30 am unable to sleep anymore.. fell asleep again 10am and woke up at noon.. I really hate jet lag.. hopefully soon I'll be back to normal but it always feels like it will be impossible..
    I forgot how packed up things are here, so I'm balancing trying not to unpack our luggage too much but I had packed all of our clothes we have here..

    just really looking forward to getting back to normal whatever that is now... thank you all for the great little visit while I was there visiting Racine, it was nice seeing you again, to those I have not met in awhile or ever I look forward to the opportunity next time we are around..

  2. Glad the family made it home okay Why Not. One of these days I will get the pleasure of meeting your family.

    Off to run errands as it is going to be over 100 today. I won't mention the 108 heat index.


  3. hubby is home, starting to demolish a kitchen wall... oh the fun... big project in the works, he wants to have it done before the wedding. I'm just staying out of the way! I ran out to the Main Street area and got some things, a nesting table set from Humble home, and ice cream with a certificate from the Sugar Shack. I couldn't use the full amount and thankfully there was a lady ahead of me who I was able to buy her cone for her with what I couldn't use and just a quarter. So fun to make somebody elses day, especially if it's a total stranger :) good day indeed!

  4. Welcome back, Why Not. I hope you enjoyed your visit. We all had a great time with you and your family.

    I know nothing bout jet lag because I've never flown, but my mom worked for a family whose husband was a high-ranking executive here in Racine and he was constantly flying to other countries. I don't know how he dealt with it. Maybe if you do it often enough, jet lag fades away?

    Mmm, ice cream.

    We're running 60's at night and 70's to 80's during the day. It's nice.

  5. I guess it still qualifies as the weekend. I've been busy trying to get my ducks in order. I've enjoyed my sloth time, but it is coming to an end.

    Glad to hear you are home and trying to get ahead of the jet lag, Why Not. The furthest I've gone is the west coast, and was able to overcome the lag within a day or so. We loved seeing you, even though the time is always too short.
