Saturday, August 22, 2015

Open Blog - Weelemd

Hop to it.


  1. Four-thirty? Are you kidding me? Yawn.....

  2. Off to get a desperately needed cut and color. One last hot day in the 90's and then we are in the 80's the rest of the week. SWEET!

  3. Gee, Beejay, I was awake almost until you woke up. The anticipation is beginning to make it impossible to fall asleep. Found out some new stuff via email that will make the new school year a huge challenge, both mentally and physically.... right off the ding-dang bat. Why can't it just be simple? Everything new and (not) improved.

  4. I tried to stay awake last night, I was dosing off and on from 7pm... finally stopped fighting it at 8:30 when the dryer was done and I got that load folded. I woke at 3, and rolled over, again at 5, and rolled over. It may have been interrupted a little but it was awesome to sleep and wake actually feeling rested! It's definitely a rarity for me.

  5. Happy weekend. It's beautiful outside.
