Saturday, September 5, 2015

"Admit it, you just sang that"

From The Lonely Libertarian:



  1. You didn't even have to post the real song. I think I know it word for word. Advertising sure has changed. Off the top of my head, I can't thing of any current commercials that have that "well known and widespread" common significance.

    FAT kids, skinny kids, even kids with chicken pox love hot dogs.... The fat comment might not be so P.C. today. I really couldn't tell you when I had my last hot dog. It has been years and years and years. I may have to seek one out to see if I still don't like them.

  2. I just picked up some yesterday, good coupon. It's been a couple years since my last, they're not great, but better if covered in chili :)

  3. Give me a Chicago dog, or give me death.

  4. speaking of hot dogs, my girl Lucy, the sweetest pitbull ever, loves laying FLAT on the driveway in the hottest of weather, can't figure that one out, she'd rather lay on a hot surface than the grass or in the shade, goofy girl!

  5. Wiener dogs? You talking about our Sable? Lol.

    I never, ever had a chili dog until Dan made me one. I will eat them, but still love my hot dogs in a bakery bun with onions, ketchup and mustard. I know, boring!
