Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Open Blog - Tuesday

Good-bye, summer. Where did you go?


  1. Morning, all. No rain today! Whoopee

  2. All I can say is thank goodness for electronics. The cable decided to act up last night and wouldn't let me watch anything. Blank screen. Oh oh. So I watched another video on another player. Amazing what it does to you. PANIC!

    So this morning we unplugged it for a few minutes and sure enough, it's working. I could just picture running home from work at 1 and having to wait for the cable guy.

    Happy September everyone, even though it doesn't feel like it. I shall be sad as the hummingbirds will be leaving in the next few weeks. They have been a joy to watch.

  3. OKIE- I have had to do that with the cable a few times here so I know what you are talking about.

    You can tell it is the first of September because I have seen the school buses behind our place go through.

  4. Hello everyone. I survived day one with students. Their unlimited energy and movement tires you out just watching it. Day one is hard on the kids and the adults. As the sheriff stated earlier in the week, or late last week, it is now officially wine-o'clock.

  5. My frickin' prescription drug policy premium is going up 50%. Last year, it jumped 100%. The way I figure it, my premium has tripled in 3 years.
