Saturday, September 12, 2015

Open Blog - Weekend

That's my kind of weekend.


  1. I sleep away the weekend, too, but L don't make up bullshit that I say I'll do.

  2. Well, if someone doesn't go to the supermarket this weekend.... there will be no lunches to pack. Grrrr. Fighting all the other working people on the weekend is no fun!

  3. I want to be a bum this weekend, but that will have to wait til next. hubby is a one man wrecking crew, and I can't handle the state of extreme disarray any longer, today, I conquer the house, with the exception of the kitchen, where he is working. I will give him that space, as long as the counters are under control. I can't wait for this monster project to be done. I did get to sleep in tho, which was pretty awesome.

  4. I seriously don't feel like doing much today. Maybe just my normal stuff and then come home and open up the windows and enjoy this perfect 77 degree weather.

  5. Well yesterday I got great news from my physical therapist the news is I do not have to use the walker anymore I just have to use a cane when I go outside. That means I do not have to use anything walking around the house. I am doing really good with my physical therapy and the knee is healing and doing real good I am so happy.

    I had to go back to the chiropractor two weeks ago because my back started to act up. I found out the reason for that is because of the walker. Yesterday when I went to pick up Drew from work I used the cane and my back did not hurt me at all going up and down the stairs like with the walker.

    I hope everyone has a great day and LM I hope your counters get done so you have your house back.

  6. I'm doing better. After I fed him breakfast (always a good lead in to anything!), I told him what I needed from him and gave him a good size space he could trash however he saw fit to. I think he realized just how patient I've been, hadn't nagged, hadn't messed with his messes, etc. he did what was needed and I felt the stress start lessening. Now on to clean, yippee!
