Friday, October 23, 2015

Open Blog - Friday

Yes! Where's my cake?


  1. no cake, but brownies are in the works. A very sweet guy is retiring from Rocky Rococo's today. He has worked there for decades. My sisters remember his back from when they worked there as their 1st job back in the 80's. I'm bringing brownies over for a little surprise celebration for him at the end of his shift today. I'm going to miss my little buddy!

  2. You are a good and nice person Lizardmom.

    It's FRIDAY! So ready for this week to be over. Except for the temps. It's been in the 70's and 80's and next week, 60's. Brr.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  3. thanks OKIE, I was better this morning. I got out of work early to spend time with my mother in law before having to come home to make the brownies. When I got there, I found out she took a bad turn Wednesday night, and the end is very near. I feel like my heart has been ripped out. She is in so much pain. I don't want her to suffer. really rough days ahead... heading back to be with her after the going away party. Not sure how I'm going to be able to fake happy, but I've got to try...

  4. Drat. Sitting here eating an apple. I didn't get the memo in time!

    Liz, we always find a way to fake happy when someone needs it. Hang tough.

  5. LM, so sorry for your mother-in-law. Love to you and especially hubby.
