Friday, October 30, 2015

Open Blog - Friday

Nice shirt.


  1. if ever you feel you're having a bad hair day, just remember this pic!

  2. It's FRIDAY!!! A cold rainy one here but that doesn't matter if it's Friday.

    I was just out on the Daily Mail and got to see what the Today Show people will be dressing up as. Pretty cute.

    Have a great day my Irregular Friends.

  3. Paid holiday today. One of only a few. I'll try not to open my pile of work stuff. Maybe I'll make a pie? Hmm. Apple sounds delish.

  4. Beautiful day here in SC. The low 70s....we went over and saw our new UTV...we have to wait for the delivery guy with the big trailer to get back from NC to deliver it. Dang.
