Thursday, October 22, 2015

Open Blog - Thursday

Indeed, again.


  1. Busy week here. Every time I turn around something is going to happen and not necessarily good. GRRR.

    Today is 'pay my bills' day here in South Carolina. And, Dan want to buy a shot gun and teach me to use it. Is he absolutely crazy? Does he have a death wish? Oh my.

    Earlier in the week, this PC updated to Windows 10. No screen brightness, no way to adjust it. I uninstalled it and that was no easy task. Why or why would anyone take away the 'brightness adjustment,' and give you the dimmest screen you can find. Crazy-assed Microsoft!

    Company coming next week, dinner guests coming Saturday. Better get to work.

    Oh and we bought a new UTV (side by side ATV, seats six with a pickup bed). Dear lord, what next!

  2. Beejay is having a very busy week. Mine, not so much. I did manage to get my flu shot yesterday. Where does the time go?

    Rain is finally in our forecast again. We've only had a quarter inch in over a month so we need it.

    I am working on the new grandsons Christmas stocking and last night I decided (before the wine) that the cat needed one too. Thank goodness for Ebay.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  3. Happy Thursday.

    They took down the huge Silver Maple that had been about 20 feet from my apartment. I don't know why it went (Silver Naples are weedy and messy), but my view suddenly seems enormous, and kind of lonesome.

  4. I think I saw a million kids today. I'm all for Thursday being the new Friday. If we're going to push for new laws, let's get on this one!
