Monday, November 30, 2015

Open Blog - Monday

Me, too.


  1. having leave my pillow, blankets and jammies behind always makes me sad...

  2. OMG, how did you know? I'm not sure I have to work today but will find out when I get there. From what I've heard, it sounds like they are having problems getting power back on. A lot of schools are closed.

    Other than that, the ice is melting and the trees that made it are looking better. A lot of damage though.

    Stay warm Irregulars.

  3. My sentiments exactly, sheriff! Looking forward to visiting with a dear, Irregular friend after work today.

    Be safe, Okie.... and all regular-Irregulars.

  4. Hello, gray, last day of November.

  5. Hallelujah and Amen, the big bright light in the sky is back. The ice is gone but the damage remains. Poor poor trees.

  6. I received notice in the mail that my supplemental health insurance premium will be the same for 2016. Hooray. My truck and apartment insurance went up $3 a month. That's OK. But I have to sit down and go over all this information about drug plans. I'd just renew, but they've tripled the premiums in 3 years and are covering less and less of the drugs I take.
